Helping people to live better. This is where you can get the secrets of great success without paying anything. The change will start with working on our mentality to get a better mind set. Then, we will talk about finance. And we should have fun doing it.
Cost Per Click Advertising
Cost Per Click Advertising

Cost Per Click Advertising

Cost per click advertising is one of the most used ways to advertise online and there are money companies to deliver this service from many parts is the world. Also, the major companies are using cost per click advertising to advertise their products now.

Recently, Coca-Cola depended on online advertising only for a whole month in my country “Egypt”. Many affiliates who are promoting major companies products are using cost per click advertising to make sales directly or indirectly.


So, what is cost per click advertising?

  • It’s an exclusive online service to help both advertisers to advertise their products, and webmasters to earn money for showing adverts at their pages. The price for the advert is determined by several methods. There is cost per mile “CPM” which is the price for 1000 impression of the advert. There is also cost per click “CPC” which is the price for each click on the advert. Also, there is cost per action “CPA” which is the price for a specific action done on the advert or its page. And lastly there is cost per lead “CPL” which is the price for subscribing of signing up.


How does cost per click advertising work?

  • The advertiser goes for the CPC company like Google or FaceBook and asks for CPC, CPM, CPA, or CPL. The cost per click advertising company asks for a price for the service then show this adverts at publishers’ website and pay them a percentage of the payment received from the advertiser.


Who are the publishers?

  • They are the webmasters who have a website, blog, or an application and can show adverts on them. They go to the cost per click advertising company and copy a code and paste it in their website, blog, or application. Then, the adverts are shown at their website automatically and they get paid from the CPC company according to the agreement done with the advertisers. So, the publishers can get paid for CPC, CPA, CPM, CPL depending on the advertiser asking.


Are there any requirements to get in this business?

  • Yeah, there are some but it depends on the cost per click advertising company. As an advertiser, you can easily do it with very little requirements and that’s because they are the ones with the money 🙂
  • For publishers, they must have a website, blog, application to show the adverts on. Some CPC companies require certain things on the website, blog, or the app to get accepted as a publisher.
  • Some CPC companies don’t have publishers as they advertise at their own pages like Facebook, Twitter, and most of social networks.


How to get in this business?

  • You can use cost per click advertising for advertising your products or others’ products as an affiliate at CPC companies. You can advertise your products at FaceBook, Twitter, Google and many other CPC companies available online but Google is #1 in this business.
  • You can get in this business as a publisher if you have a website, blog, or an app. Use your Google account to set up your Adsense account and submit your website. Then, Google will review your website and will show adverts at your website if it got accepted by them.
  • So, you can get sales for your products or show adverts at your website to earn money from this business.


Is cost per click advertising business reliable?

  • Yes, it is. Many people already are part of this business, either as an advertiser or a publisher. And there are many big companies in it. As I said Google is #1, So you can check Google Adsense as many other people have already made thousands and even millions from this business.


Is there any other kind of cost per click advertising?

  • Yes, there are, but the others aren’t as good as the ones we already mentioned. There are paid to click, but it has a low profile and very high scammy rate. 


And lastly if you want to get more information and courses about it, you can join me here


Hope this was informative enough 🙂

Feel free to ask your question


  1. Anh Nguyen

    Thank you for the information CPC, I usually call it PPC, heh. I think it could be a nice method to develop your website if done well.

    Recently, I saw a lot of the same ad on YouTube every time I start, or in the middle of the video. You can bet on it that I start to dislike it. Even though I think the guy has nice ideas, it’s just too much. I am more inclined to inbound marketing, in this area. What do you think about it?


  2. Shawn

    Hi there!
    I am wondering if Bing ads are the same?
    I have used them awhile back on a free 50 dollar credit and it seemed to bring in quite a few leads but I did not really know what I was doing and did not track anything.
    I am interested in learning more about all of the services you mention, CPC, CPA, CPM and CPL.
    DO you have any training on this?


  3. Jay


    How much would you say you have to spend on ppc advertising in order to get some good kick back from it?

    I’ve done ppc advertising from Facebook for my business and I find that I always get advertised to subprime customers. I’ve learned that this is because of the big advertisers buying up all the good adspace and the little guys are left with the scraps! Do you know anything about how to get around that?

    1. admin

      Focus your campaigns to get clicks only and avoid sponsoring your ads with a page and that sort of things as likes will be considered clicks and will cost you money.

      Target the right customers for your product with the lowest price available. Check this link

      Some cultures aren’t fan of buying and just looking for free stuff and cracks, avoid them.

      For the how much, It depends 🙂 Check this link

      Good luck

  4. Viljoen

    Did a bit of PPC myself a while ago. There are also other platforms where you can buy media from websites such as BuySellAds. Most other ppc platforms are second tier and do not deliver good quality traffic.

    I stopped for a while because you get people that will actually steal your whole campaign by using spy tools etc. I would rather invest my money in people to write articles for my websites.

  5. Viljoen

    All I can say about PPC is that it is not easy. There are so many other things to look at such as conversion tracking and optimization. Because PPC costs money you will have a ROI and it is constant tweaking to maximize this metric.

    I would only recommend Bing, Yahoo and Facebook ads.

  6. Pitin

    Hello. Is this the same as Adsense? I tried adsense before but I find the Ads showing up to be too random that it doesnt fit my website so I took it out. Also, if this is not adsense, how do I get hold of that code to place on my side bar? I already have and adsense account but i am not sure if this is the same as the cpc you are talking about. Abit confused!

  7. Neil

    I have placed ads before on Google, and lost a heck of a lot of money! However, it was all my fault because I jumped right in without having the right online training first.

    I can see how cost per click advertising works, and there sure is money to be made from both angles, so everyone’s a winner! 🙂

    Thanks for the article, and it will sure help others to understand this CPC online business model a little more.


  8. Igor


    This is pretty interesting. I have not worked with Google on this before but I have heard that it is not as simple as working with Bing, which I did. Could you say anything about that, is it really so?

    I must say CPA and CPL sound best of all these.Have you ever tried those? And where can this service be used?


  9. Josh

    Hey You,
    Very informative post on CPC. I liked how you covered different types of advertisements available and how you can earn money via your blog or website by displaying these adverts.
    I also like the entire design of your website, it is very interactive.

    How much can one expect to earn solely by advertising on one’s website?

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