Helping people to live better. This is where you can get the secrets of great success without paying anything. The change will start with working on our mentality to get a better mind set. Then, we will talk about finance. And we should have fun doing it.
Mentality – Motives
Mentality – Motives

Mentality – Motives

Hello, dear friend. If you just came to this post,I strongly recommend reading the first post to get an idea about what we are trying to say.

In the last post, we tried to talk a little about the first background which we don’t have a lot of choices and no influence on, of course.

Now we are going to talk about the first steps for our life philosophy creation

Finally, we are here on this little green-blue planet called Earth. Which we didn’t choose as we all know.

Also, I am here in Egypt, my sweet lovely country. But, is it sweet and lovely?

Of course it is and that’s because it is my home. It is where I grew up and my loved ones are living. So, no doubt, I will always love my country. We all do.

We love our countries because they are the best. But, if I was born in Italy, would I love Egypt? I don’t think so.

Why do we love our countries?

After our birth in whatever place in the universe, we got in direct contact with our birthplace and the people living there. And we all think that we must protect our home and stay in it. For some reason 🙂

Some people live in dangerous places and they call home and love and don’t leave it while risking their own life. Some people live near active volcanos And others are living in very bad weather places and are living very difficult lives there.

That’s because we consider our home as something we can’t change and must stick to or maybe we see our homes as belongings and we shouldn’t leave it because someone else may take it.

But, if I was born in a place and when I was one month of age I was transferred to another country and got this new country citizenship, Which country would I love and protect?

And my answer is

I never thought that our love for our countries was something we were born with. It is something we are told. We always are told by parents, family, neighbors, school, and society that we must love and protect our country.

But, I see countries as communities. I may like that community and may not like it. I don’t have to.

So, if I could see something I didn’t like about this community and find myself having a tough time living there, I should search for another community.

A community I can like and live in. And I can leave my country to the community who is living there.

Every country does everything to keep its citizens loyal and present and the best way to do that is to do it for children because they are not able of critically thinking yet. So, They craft our minds and thoughts in a way beneficial to the country.

Is this a bad thing?

It isn’t a bad thing. But, it is right.

This will make us feel less responsible for other countries and the whole planet. We are all human and we should should care about each other without thinking about each other origins.

This also requires some historical misleading. No country is teaching their children the bad things they did. Germans won’t tell their kids that they killed a lot of people and wanted to dominate the world. World domination is something I thought to exist only in movies and fairy tales. The US won’t tell their children they killed a lot of Japanese people.

All countries try their best to deceive their children to make them believe they are the best country in the world. And we are the result of these trials.

Looking at any other country’s race or beliefs disrespectfully means we are not human yet. And we are just a political product.

Story Short

Our Motives are shaped by our society, not by our critical thinking. Our society will use school, college, church, mosque, house, family, neighborhood, and any other means to shape our motives and thoughts. All was done when we were little kids playing.

Our birthplace will do anything to convince us of the superiority of our religion, race, beliefs, language, rights, and every possible thing. It won’t let us try to change anything about it.

We are mentally fucked since birth and we must wake up,

So, are you talking about the red pill or the blue pill? 

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