Helping people to live better. This is where you can get the secrets of great success without paying anything. The change will start with working on our mentality to get a better mind set. Then, we will talk about finance. And we should have fun doing it.
Curing Human


Mentality is the group of thoughts, ideas, traditions, knowledge, and perspectives about right and wrong. That is how I define the mentality we need to talk about and work on to improve our lives.

There are two types of that mentality.

The first comes from our education. How our parents, teachers, and society educated us.

The second comes from our self-education, reading, and life experiences.

And there is a simple way to differentiate between them. I can reason my second type of mentality thoughts and ideas. I know when I started believing in that idea. The first type of mentality is usually unreasonable and has no starting point.

We all need to be of the second type and resist or maybe delete the first one of our lives. This first type of mentality is actually not ours. It has been written for us and must not take it for granted.

So, we will dig deep into our mentality and always try to improve it step by step in the coming posts. I hope you will find some mind-opening words here.

Mentality – Understanding myself – The beginning

Mentality – Motives