Helping people to live better. This is where you can get the secrets of great success without paying anything. The change will start with working on our mentality to get a better mind set. Then, we will talk about finance. And we should have fun doing it.
Be the man
Be the man

Be the man

Hello and welcome to

This time, let’s discuss something that is very important in our life. However, it is difficult to achieve but easy in the same time. This contradiction of being easy or difficult depends on a simple decision.

It depends on answering one simple question. The question is; do you really want to live happily? the obvious answer which we all will give is YES. However, there is a difference between something we want and something we really and seriously want.

Let’s clarify the message because it isn’t clear till now I think.

All of us want to be rich, but who of us will be rich. The ones who really want to be rich are the only ones who will be rich,Why? Because to they are doing what is needed to be rich. They are the only ones who are taking the steps. So, to achieve anything you want you must be serious about it and really want to do it. If you really want to be happy, rich, famous or anything you will only achieve when you are really taking it seriously.

Being serious about what you want is what I will call being the man. You must be the man to reach for your goals. However, you must have a clear thought about who is the man in this world. Do you think the man is the rich, famous, president, celebrity, merciless criminal? Who is the man?

In my opinion, the man is none of the above. The man, in my opinion, is the one who is really enjoying his life whatever his circumstances are. There are a lot of rich people and celebrities who aren’t even good people.

The man is a good human who isn’t capable of hate and loves everybody and really cares for everybody’s benefit. The man is the happy guy whatever his circumstances are. He is the one whom his happiness arrises from within, not from the outside.

Till now I don’t clearly understand what I wrote 🙂 🙂


Let’s get back to what I wrote at the beginning. About being serious about what you want. So, we’ll have a first role which is, To achieve your goals, you must be the man and be serious about it. We all knew many people in our life who want many things be they fail to achieve anything and that’s because they were never serious about it. They never made the wanted efforts. They never learned how to do it. They thought they know everything and can do anything. They were overestimating themselves.

So, if you really want to be happy, you must figure out what is making you unhappy and what you want to do to be happy. If you want to be rich, start evaluating yourself. Know what your strengths and weaknesses are and start working on your weaknesses and use your strength points and develope the needed skills to do what will get you to your goals.

Let me add one more thing. You can be the man in one thing and fail in other things and that is not what we seek. There are so many people who made great things in our life while being a big failure in other things. Many people who do great inventions and was bad with their family. Others achieved many things while being even racist. This kind of people where the men of one category and absolutely nothing in other categories.

I’ve known many people who did something that was SOCIALLY considered stupid and they were so right. Some dropped of famous universities and pursue other things that grew wildly and became trademarks. Others quitted a very stable job and opened their own businesses and took much higher risks. Some even gone bankrupt and still walking the same path. It is as said it only take one success to achieve greatness.



  • A great man is a torch in the darkness, a beacon in superstition’s night, an inspiration, and a prophecy.
    Robert Green Ingersoll
  • I believe the first test of a truly great man is in his humility.
    John Ruskin
  • There never was a truly great man that was not at the same time truly virtuous.
    Benjamin Franklin
  • He who attends to his greater self, becomes a great man, and he who attends to his smaller self, becomes a small man.
  • The great man is he who does not lose his child’s heart.



Think what can make you happy and start walking in that way seriously and you will achieve it. This is a continuous process because you might find yourself unhappy after achieving this first goal. So, you must think again of what will make you really happy after excluding your first thought.

If you thought money will make you happy and found yourself, unhappy rich guy, you now know it isn’t money that will make you happy. So, think again about what can make you happy and take the steps.


Thanks for reading. Hoping you enjoyed the read 🙂


  1. Lawrence Gregory

    Two bits of content that really resonated with me in this post.

    The first one – There are a lot of rich people and celebrities who aren’t even good people.

    The second one – The man is a good human who isn’t capable of hate and loves everybody and really cares for everybody’s benefit. The man is the happy guy whatever his circumstances are. He is the one whom his happiness arises from within, not from the outside.

    Thanks for this really interesting and eye opening post.

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